Is the US era of domination of Latin America coming to an end?

NSCAG News | on: Wednesday, 12 August 2020

FSLN rally in Nicaragua

FSLN rally in Nicaragua

Despite its failings at home, the United States continues to intervene in countries across multiple continents seeking to control their governments and resources.

Popular Resistance looks at the US’ latest efforts in Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Bolivia to undermine their independence and force them to serve the interests of the US government and transnational corporations.

In all three countries, the US has displayed a lack of understanding of the people and their support for their revolutionary processes, and as a result, is failing. As US empire fades, so might the Monroe doctrine come to an end?

The US is weakening as a global power and its failures in Latin America are both a symptom of this and are causing further decline. The US’ violations of international law are obvious and are being challenged. But the US is an empire and it will not give up the Monroe Doctrine easily.

The international community has a particular responsibility to demand the US stop its sanctions and illegal interference in Latin America and elsewhere around the world. In this time of multiple global crises, we must demand the US become a cooperative member of the world community and work peacefully to address the pandemic, recession and climate crisis.

To read the full article see here

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