Nicaragua Makes Progress Toward Millennium Development Goals

NSCAG News | on: Thursday, 27 March 2014

Although Nicaragua remains the second poorest country in the Americas after Haiti, the social programmes introduced by the Government of Daniel Ortega have led to considerable progress being made in terms of achieving the United Nationals Millennium Development Goals for global poverty reduction. Nicaragua has been recognised as one of the leading countries in Latin America in areas such as reducing infant and maternal mortality and malnutrition.

  • The director general of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Graziano da Silva, recently acknowledged that the country has advanced substantially in reducing malnutrition by more than 50 percent.

  • The World Parliamentary Union has recognized Nicaragua for superior progress in gender equality. The country is seventh in the world in the number of women in Parliament. It is expected to rise to second place in the world with the election of 2016, when the law will require that 50 percent of deputy candidates be women.

  • Nicaragua has also achieved the Millennium Development goal of reducing child mortality. Maternal mortality is now less than half of what it was at the beginning of the century.

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