NSCAG's May update now available

NSCAG News | on: Monday, 20 May 2024

General Augusto C Sandino, regarded as the father of the Nicaraguan Revolution. Pic: Friends of the ATC

General Augusto C Sandino, regarded as the father of the Nicaraguan Revolution. Pic: Friends of the ATC

NSCAG's May update is now available and can be downloaded here.

See also article by Becca Renk - South-South Solidarity: Nicaragua Mobilizes International Law to Support Palestine - link here

The picture above is of General Augusto C Sandino, a national hero who is seen as the inspiration and guide of the Nicaraguan Revolution. On 19 May, Nicaraguans celebrated the 129th anniversary of his birth. 4 May is also celebrated in Nicaragua as the Day of National Dignity. It marks the day when Sandino refused to adhere to the Espino Negro Pact of 1927, which essentially turned over control of Nicaragua to the United States military. The pact stripped Nicaragua almost entirely of its sovereignty regarding diplomacy, trade, legislation and the economy. As such, Sandino refused to order his forces to surrender their weapons to the U.S. stating that Nicaragua would never surrender its sovereignty to an imperial invader.

A national hero, Sandino remains a symbol of freedom and sovereignty, social justice and self-determination, grassroots resistance and the fight against imperialism.

“We push towards the Sun of Liberty or Death. And if we die, our cause will live on. Others will continue.”

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